Labour Market information
Labour market information tells you about the workplace or labour market. Labour market information describes the condition of the labour market, past and present, as well as future projections. It makes clear where work opportunities are increasing or decreasing, what occupations exist, what you need to study to become a professional in that occupation, what is required to take up an occupation, how one can find a job, change job or progress in a career.
Unifrog & Labour Market Information
In the Careers library tool on Unifrog you can find labour market information about the career you have chosen to look at like Mr Hickinbotham’s dream career of Pop musician! There are also videos in the careers library to hear from people that are already doing the job.
Icould website and LMI For All
Another great place to hear about what jobs are really like is throught the Icould and LMI For All websites. Click on Explore careers or type in to the search bar if you have a career in mind.