Super Curriculum
What is the Super Curriculum
Super curriculum activities take the subjects studied in school beyond what a teacher has taught, and can extend the learning students develop as a result of homework. This could be going into more depth on certain topics, learning about something which students have not come across before or developing a new skill.
Each subject offers a range of activities which focus on things like extra reading, research, watching videos online, listening to podcasts, opportunities to visit lectures and fieldworks as well as competitions.
How Can Students Engage with Super Curriculum
Coupled with each subject’s super curriculum, there is a review sheet which can be used to record the learning that students have developed during each activity. Students have the freedom to illustrate their learning in a variety of ways, such as creating a video, model or a research report.
Each time a student completes a super curriculum activity and shares this with their teacher, they will be rewarded for their efforts with a minimum of 3 achievement points. If a teacher thinks the activity has been completed to an 'excellent' standard, 6 achievement points will be awarded. Students who amass the most achievement points by the end of the academic year due to super curriculum activities, will also be rewarded.
Parents can help increase the benefits of engaging with super curriculum activites by extending this at home, such as visiting museums, completing virtual online activities or encouraging students to join local clubs.
Beyond this however, regular engagement in super curriculum activities, could improve student grades, develop their understanding around subjects and offer employers, colleges and universities evidence of going above and beyond classroom learning.
How to Log Super Curriculum Activities
Please see below the link to the review sheet, this can be completed by students after every task.
Subject Department Super Curriculum Links