Results and Performance Data
Exam Performance
Information on exams results can be found using the ‘Compare the performance of schools and colleges in England’ service.
The Weston Road Academy Performance Link
KS4 Summary - August 2022
The Weston Road Academy are celebrating again this year following another set of excellent results and improvements in many areas. Over three quarters of pupils have achieved a standard pass in English and in Maths and there has been a big improvement in pupils achieving a grade 5 or better across all subjects. There were some outstanding individual results, with two pupils achieving grade 9s across the board (something a very few 16 year olds will achieve this year). We also had another pupil, not only achieve a grade 9 in GCSE Photography, but his result was the highest in the entire country.
KS5 Summary - August 2022
A Level students and staff at The Weston Road Academy are celebrating results this year with approximately half of entries resulting in A*-B grades and approximately three quarters at grade C or higher. Over a quarter of students achieved at least 3 A Level grades at A*-B. Stand out subjects were Maths with 90% A*-B grades, and Geography with 75%. The best individual result was an amazing three A*grades. The vast majority of students secured places at the University of their choice.
Performance Data
The Weston Road Academy performance information can be found on the DFE performance table website.
DFE performance tables website
Explanation of the Performance Table