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Duke of Edinburgh
Full details of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme can be found on the website
Our students have an opportunity to complete both the Bronze and Silver Awards during their time at the Academy.
At Weston Road Academy we are pleased to be able to offer students the opportunity to participate in the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award. The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a real adventure for young people and allows them to broaden their horizons and face new challenges.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award is made up of 4 different sections: Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition. The Bronze Award will take a minimum of 6 months to complete, and the Silver Award a minimum of 12. The award enables students to show a real commitment and sense of community as they get involved with their different activities, and they will grow in responsibility as they take ownership of their award. We hope many of our students will take this opportunity to get involved with DofE. However due to limitations on staff numbers places are limited and will be offered on a first come first serve basis.
Key Dates 2024/25
If you have any queries regarding the Award please contact Dr Floyd, Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator. Alternatively, you can find out more information on the Duke of Edinburgh website.
Video Link:
More information to follow for Duke of Edinburgh 2024-25.