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Academy Alumni



  • We would like to feature alumni profiles across the school, and website. Profiles provide valuable careers insights and top tips for getting into a wide range of industries and inspire pupils about where certain subjects can take you beyond the obvious.


  • Providing a career profile is one of the simplest ways of supporting careers activities for both pupils and alumni. It’s a resource that people can dip in and out of, and gives information to really help them stand out against the competition.


  • We are asking alumni to fill out a short form and provide us with a picture. Or record a short video detailing your career journey since leaving Weston Road.


  • Hearing what our alumni have gone on to do in their careers and life after Weston Road is a great inspiration for pupils. It complements our career programme, providing insight and real-life experience of a sector. Your experiences can make a real difference to pupils who are unsure of what career path is right for them or how to get into the field you work in.


  • We are open to a wide variety of topics. Talks are delivered to the Sixth Form, academic departments, full year cohorts, and smaller targeted groups from a range of years if the subject content is more applicable to a specific targeted group. These sessions are run across the school year for more information or to put your name forward please email mhickinbotham@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk. If we can get the online form to work we don’t need this bit