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- Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG) meetings Y11,12+13
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- Careers- Qualifications and Levels Explained
- Careers - University Taster Day Webinars
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- Careers Hub
- Curriculum Structure & Subjects
- Art
- Computing & Digital Literacy and Business Studies
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- Modern Foreign Languages
- Geography
- History
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- Performing Arts
- Physical Education
- Psychology (A level only)
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- Design & Technology
- Learning Support SEN
- Super Curriculum
- Learning Journeys
Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG) meetings Y11,12+13
Meetings are 25 minutes long and take place in the careers office on the sixth form corridor. Our careers advisers offer objective, careers guidance based on your individual needs. This guidance can include;
•helping you to explore career paths
•discussing further study options
•providing sector specific information – advising where to find it
•showing you relevant resources and services
If our careers adviser is unable to meet your career needs then they will suggest alternative ways for you to seek assistance and invite you to sessions in school with experts ie. armed forces recruitment talks or . If you would like to request a careers interview please fill in the form below.