CURRENT SIXTH FORM STUDENTSTake a look at what the current Sixth Form students have to say about The Weston Road Academy @Staffordshire Sixth Form Partnership and why they chose to continue to study with us!
Reasons to study with The Weston Road Academy
- Exam results are strong and many students who attend our Sixth Form achieve their First Choice University placement
- We have a friendly, supportive community
- Pupil strengths and weaknesses are established and well known by our staff in school which will support a healthy working relationship
- Pupils are aware of the school; the support and facilities available to them
- Easy transition from Year 11 into our Sixth Form
- Work experience tailored to your specific needs and areas of interest
- The chance to join a vibrant Sixth Form committee
- Career Advice and specialist guidance is available; either Higher Education, post 18 apprenticeship or employment
- Guidance and support during your university applications, offering advice on where to apply, how to apply and how to write an effective personal statement
- Staff know you well and will be in a position to provide any references you may require
- Our enrichment programme will provide information on the world of higher education and the workplace, whilst providing a range of opportunities to grow as a person whilst keeping safe and healthy
- See our Sixth Form Learning Journey here