The Weston Road Academy

The Weston Road Primary Acedemy
Life at The Weston Road Academy Life at The Weston Road Academy Life at The Weston Road Academy Life at The Weston Road Academy Life at The Weston Road Academy Life at The Weston Road Academy



Your new form tutors have recorded a special welcome message for you and look forward to meeting you all and getting to know you in September.


Tutor Introduction - Mrs Byattc - contact

Tutor Introduction - Miss Charlesworth - contact 

Tutor Introduction - Mr Hulme - contact

Tutor Introduction - Mrs Lane - contact 

Tutor Introduction - Mrs Pringle - contact 

Tutor Introduction - Mrs Robinson - contact 

Tutor Introduction - Mrs Whittaker - contact 


Our Key Staff have also recorded you a special message so you can get to know us here at TWRA.

Introduction from Key Staff - Introductions from Mrs Kingman (Headteacher), Mrs Lambert (Transitions Manager), Mrs Andrew (Year  7 & 8 Pastoral Leader) and Miss Parnell (Pastoral Support Manager for Year 7 & 8 ).


You can also view all the other teaching staff names and their departments here on the academy website.