Your new form tutors have recorded a special welcome message for you and look forward to meeting you all and getting to know you in September.
Tutor Introduction - Mrs Byattc - contact ibyatt@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk
Tutor Introduction - Miss Charlesworth - contact jcharlesworth@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk
Tutor Introduction - Mr Hulme - contact ahulme@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk
Tutor Introduction - Mrs Lane - contact clane@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk
Tutor Introduction - Mrs Pringle - contact lpringle@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk
Tutor Introduction - Mrs Robinson - contact nrobinson@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk
Tutor Introduction - Mrs Whittaker - contact cwhittaker@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk
Our Key Staff have also recorded you a special message so you can get to know us here at TWRA.
Introduction from Key Staff - Introductions from Mrs Kingman (Headteacher), Mrs Lambert (Transitions Manager), Mrs Andrew (Year 7 & 8 Pastoral Leader) and Miss Parnell (Pastoral Support Manager for Year 7 & 8 ).
You can also view all the other teaching staff names and their departments here on the academy website.