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Summer Spectacular 2023

Dear Parent/Guardian, 



RE: Summer Spectacular 

I am writing to inform you that we are producing a Summer Spectacular Evening on Thursday 6th July 2023. This will take place in the Lecture Theatre, starting at 6pm with doors opening at 5:45pm. It should finish no later than 7:30pm. Tickets, charged at £2 each, will go onto your ParentPay and will be sold on a first come, first served basis. 

This evening is an opportunity to celebrate the success of the extra-curricular activities as well as some soloists too. The groups have worked really hard since the school show and are very excited to be able to bring you this performance evening before we finish for the summer. 

On the night, pupils will be able to stay in between school if you would like them to but will need to be collected at the end of the evening if you are not in attendance in the audience. 

As a member of one of these groups or as a chosen soloist, your child has been invited to perform/assist at the concert. Please could you return the slip below to confirm that they are able to attend.