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Open Evening 2023


July 2023

Dear Year 6 Parent or Person with Parental Responsibility,

Re: Open Evening – Tuesday 19th September 2023, 5.30- 7.30pm
Choosing the next step in your child’s education is a milestone event and we are very pleased to
invite you to our Open Evening on Tuesday 19th September 2023.
During the evening there will be two talks from the Headteacher (5:30pm and 6pm) and the
opportunity to meet other members of the Leadership Team, who will provide an insight into school
life at The Weston Road Academy. You can tour the school at your own convenience throughout the
evening and meet our amazing staff and students.

Booking is essential for the event, as this is a ticketed event we ask that families each have a ticket
to be able to attend. Our Open Evenings are popular events and we would ask that families support
us by bringing only a limited number of family members to the event.

Tuesday 19th September 2023: Please book your tickets through our website. Link below
Open Evening 2023 - book ticket

If you do have any questions whatsoever, you can email office@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk and the
most appropriate person will be in touch to answer your query.
We look forward to welcoming you into our school and your child joining us in September 2024.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs A Kingman