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The Weston Road Academy

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Dear Parent/Person with Parental Responsibility,

On Friday 16th December we are inviting students to come to school in mufti for the day, but with the option of wearing a Christmas themed top/jumper.
As normal we are asking if students are able to bring a £1 in on the day and it will be collected during tutor time. We will split the money collected between the National Christmas Jumper Day fund which aims to raise funds and awareness for Save the Children and our rewards fund for students at the end of the year.
Please note that clothing must be appropriate for school (no crop tops/ short tops/ inappropriate slogans/short skirts or shorts) and that the usual safety rules with regards to uniform apply. For example, pupils should only be wearing one pair of simple stud earrings and false nails are not allowed (polish on own nails is fine on the MUFTI day).
We will be closing at 12:30 on 16th December and reopen for pupils on Wednesday 4th January 2023. Please make-arrangements, for your child to get home at this time.
As a reminder regarding the school buses:
• The 11s, 547 and 849 school bus services ran by Select will not be picking up pupils, so you will need to make-arrangements for your child to get home at 12:30 on Friday 16th December.
• The 546 and 548 school bus routes will be collecting pupils from school at 12:30pm. Pupils who catch the 841 bus will be escorted to the bus stop outside of school at 12:20 to catch the public 841 bus.

Kind regards,
Dr Floyd
Director of Student Experience