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Fun Run

Dear Parent/Person with Parental Responsibility,

We are really excited about our annual end of year ‘The Great Weston Charity Fun Run’ which taking place on Monday 24th July. We are already well on our way to meet our fundraising target of £1500. Our chosen charity for this year is the Childhood Cancer Parents Alliance (CCPA). 

We have encouraged pupils to get sponsored for the event to help raise funds for this fantastic charity. All sponsorship and donations are greatly appreciated. A fundraising page has been set up to make it easier for everyone to pledge their support. Alternatively, your child can hand in their sponsorship money to their tutor prior to the event.

Fun Run 

Pupils should come dressed in their PE kit on the day but are more than welcome to change into fancy dress for the fun run to make the run extra special.

Finally, please be aware that we will be closing early as usual, at 12:30pm on the last day of term, Tuesday 25th July.  This will be a mufti day, with no charge.

The only school buses that will pick up the pupils at this time are routes: 546 & 548 and the public bus, route 841, have informed us that there is a public bus passing the school at 12:24 which we will escort the pupils outside to catch.  Please ensure your child is aware of this and that this bus will be an earlier pickup. 

Thank you for your support