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Food Bank 2023

Dear Parent/Person with Parental Responsibility

We are pleased to announce that The Weston Road Academy will be running our annual Food Bank Appeal again this year. We continue to support Rising Brook Church to help provide a hot meal for a number of local families over the Christmas period.

This year has seen an increase in demand for food banks across the country and Rising Brook are now providing thousands of meals a week. They are experiencing such high demand this year and have an extra 30 to 40 people requesting help on a weekly basis. Many families in the Stafford area will sadly be relying on the Rising Brook Food Bank to get through the Christmas period.

We are attempting to collect a mountain of long-life food and hopefully put together some festive food bags for families in our area. The kind of items that are in demand are: tea, coffee, long life milk, sweets, biscuits, selection boxes, tinned meat, Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, hot chocolate, tins of soup, cereals, soft drinks, crisps and any other items that you would like to donate.

We are also having a push this year for chocolate and confectionary items, to help give those struggling most something to look forward to. Selection boxes can be purchased in shops for as little as 59p, and would be very well received.

Please donate what you can to help feed a family over Christmas. I really cannot think of a better gift to give than a hot meal on Christmas day.

Many thanks in advance for your donation. The deadline for all donations is Wednesday 13 December, although this date is the absolute deadline we would gratefully receive items a few weeks before.

Thanks again on behalf of all of the families you are helping to feed over this festive season.

Nathan Evans – Year 13 Student
Head of Pupil Leadership