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The Weston Road Academy

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Children In Need

On Friday 18th November it is BBC Children in Need which we will be supporting as an academy to be able to make a difference to young people’s lives here in the UK.

We will be asking the children to come to school in mufti for the day but with a twist! The theme is 'Be Spotacular!' and so where possible it would be great if the children could come in wearing something spotty - or something yellow! - to raise money for this charity.

We are asking that the pupils make a cash donation in tutor time which will be for BBC Children in Need. Pupils who have PE on this day must ensure that their clothing and footwear is suitable for learning.

Please note that clothing must be appropriate for school (no crop tops/ short tops/ inappropriate slogans/short skirts or shorts) and that the usual safety rules with regards to uniform apply. For example, pupils should only be wearing one pair of simple stud earrings and false nails are not allowed (polish on own nails is fine on the MUFTI day).

If you would like to find out more please visit www.bbcchildreninneed.co.uk and if anyone would like to make a donation you can do this through parent pay following this link https://app.parentpay.com/ParentPayShop/Foc/Default.aspx?shopid=8802