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The Weston Road Academy

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FAQ's Transitions


What uniform do we need to wear?    

Pictures of our uniform can be found on our website.  Our uniform is a Black skirt or trousers, white shirt, Black school blazer and Tie.  

We ask our pupils to wear smart black shoes, rather than trainers or pumps.   

Pupils should have natural colour with no extreme haircuts.  Jewellery needs to be of a minimum with one ring and one pair of stud earrings.

You can view our uniform policy here.

School uniform can be purchased from Crested School Wear, Nos. 35-36 Gaolgate Street

Stafford, ST16 2NT.  www.crestedschoolwear.co.uk


What is a MUFTIDAY? 

 Mufti day is a day where students get to wear their own clothes to school rather than their uniform.  These are held as a reward or to raise money for charity (we raised over £800 this year for Comic Relief by holding a mufti day).


What equipment do I need to bring to school each day? 

Students are required to bring into school every day their Super 7 Plus.  This includes a pencil, pen, rubber, calculator, sharpener, ruler, purple Pen, maths set, glue stick and colouring pencils.   Year 7 students are also required to bring in a reading book.


How many lessons do have and long are the lessons? 

You have 6 lessons a day and each lesson is 50 minutes long. 


Will my friends be in my lessons?

You may be in the same class as other people you know from primary school.  We try and make sure you know at least one person in your group but you will be placed in the most suitable group for your ability.


What subjects do we do?

You will learn lots of different subjects.  Maths, English, Science, French, Art, Technology, Computing, PE, Geography, History and Performing Arts. You will have a set teacher for each subject. 


Lunchtime and break time

How do I pay for school lunches? 

All food bought at school is ordered and paid for via an app called parentpay.  You and your parents can go online on this App and choose what food you want for the week.  The canteen offer a wide variety of snacks drinks and meals. 

What do we do at lunch and break time? 

Pupils can access the school playing field and quad areas, play football, and join various lunchtime clubs.   

Achievements and rewards

Do we get achievement points?   

Achievement points are given out to students who go above and beyond their normal expectations.  This does not mean you have to be talented or exceptionally bright.  This means you have to try hard and give everything your best attempt.   Representing your school and doing things in the community would also help.

Do we have reward trips?  

Yes, we do have reward trips and prizes.   We regularly give out certificates and prizes for attendance and attitude to learning within school.  We have tutor prizes and regular competitions throughout the school year.

Throughout the school year, we also have reward trips out of school.  Trips to theme parks, swimming pools, shopping centres, trampoline parks and cinemas are just a few that have taken place over previous years.    We also have fun events in school such as a visit from the ice-cream man, pizza parties and movie sessions.



What happens if someone misbehaves?    

Everyone in school should follow the school rules of Ready, Respectful and Safe.  If these are not followed, the student will have a warning from a staff member.  If the behaviour continues, they will receive behaviour points and a sanction.  This could be break, lunch or after school detentions depending on the circumstance.  If this continues further punishments may be implemented and meetings held with parents.

What do we get detentions for?     

Detentions will be issued to students for failing to follow the school rules and for non-submission of homework.  If homework is not completed, a 24 hour extension will be given and then after that if the work is not submitted a detention and behaviour points will be given.

What if someone is mean to me?     

If someone is mean to you, you can speak to your tutor, a teacher or a member of the pastoral team, who will be able to help.  We can then work out a way to help. 

General School Questions


What if I get lost? 

All our staff and students are lovely, so please ask someone and they will point you in the right direction or take you to where you need to be.  Its takes a while to everyone to find their way around.

Is it easy to make friends?

We have lots of students joining year 7 from different schools and you may know some people from your primary school, from where you live or an out of school club.  If not, try saying hello to people in your tutor group.

Is school big?      

The school may be bigger than your primary school, but don’t worry, it  won’t seem big for long and you will soon get used to the school.

What time does school start and finish?  

The school bell to warn you its lesson time goes at 8.45am.  Break time is at 10.45-11.05 and lunchtime is at 12.45-1.25.  The end of school is at 3.05. 


How do I access school homework?

Most of your homework will be set online through sites such as Show My Homework, Seneca and Maths Watch. Your class teacher will tell you how and when the piece of homework is set.

Who do I speak to if I have a problem?

Any member of staff is available to speak to if you have an issue.  Your first contact would be your tutor, as you would see them every morning.  If not Pastoral are always available and or your teachers.