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The Weston Road Academy

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The Weston Road Academy
Blackheath Lane
ST18 0YG

Tel: 01785 413600
Email: office@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk

All enquiries will be received by Mrs V Buckley, Reception & Finance Assistant in the first instance.



In relation to email enquiries to the school at office@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk or directly to the relevant member of staff:  We would be grateful if emails were only sent to one member of staff, to ensure that this method of communication is used as efficiently and purposefully as possible, we will use the following protocols:

  • All emails will be responded to within three working days, If the matter is urgent, please contact reception and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.
  • We ask that parents refrain from emailing staff outside the hours of 8am -5pm Monday to Friday and during the school holidays. 
  • Staff are not expected to respond to an email deemed/perceived to be abusive or aggressive.
  • In some instances, a parent/carer may feel that an issue has not been resolved satisfactorily. However, the school retains the right to deem the matter closed where it feels due diligence has been afforded to the concern.